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January 3, 2022

Dogs Have to be Vaccinated Too!

We’re guessing that because you’re here, you’ve lately adopted that bundle of joy that everyone refers to as a dog. While it’s fun to take your dog for walks, play with him, and think about training and traveling with him, there’s more to pet parenthood than that, and it involves the ‘boring stuff’ as well. But, like with most things in life, the mundane is sometimes the best, and routine vet checkups are just as important as dental visits. So, after you’ve decided on a name for your dog, the next most important thing to do is to have him vaccinated.


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Vaccinations for dogs are essential for protecting your dog from various hazardous and even fatal infections. While government law requires specific vaccinations, there are a variety of additional vaccines that can protect your dog from deadly diseases that are readily avoidable. Pet insurance can help a pet owner in covering the costs of veterinarian care such as vaccinations as well as treatment for illnesses, accidents and more. These pet health insurance policies are comparable to human health insurance policies.

Dog immunisations serve as a disease deterrent by exposing your pup to disease-causing germs that do not cause the disease in question.

The dog’s immune system can develop a defence against future exposure by exposing it to these regulated stimuli, in the same way as human immunisations work. Puppy and dog immunisations aim to activate the immune system by pushing it to detect present antigens. If a dog is exposed to actual sickness, its immune system will see it and be ready to fight it off, or at the very least, mitigate its consequences.

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Vaccinations are administered to prevent disease rather than to cure sick dogs. As mentioned, there are two types of dog vaccines: core and non-core. In addition, adult dogs receive booster immunisations every 1-3 years, depending on the vaccine type and the dog’s risk factors.


Puppies should begin vaccinations as soon as required, typically between 6 and 8 weeks and then every three weeks until it is four months old, then less often after that (again, depending on the type of vaccination). If the mother’s immune system is healthy, the puppy will also absorb antibodies in the mother’s milk when nursing.

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Depending on the pet’s age, location, lifestyle, and general health, these optional immunisations may be advised. For example, most veterinarians prescribe a yearly or semi-annual Bordetella vaccination to help prevent kennel cough if your dog will be spending a lot of time at doggy daycare or pet boarding facilities or with a lot of other dogs. Your veterinarian can advise you on which immunisations are recommended for your dog or puppy and your  pet insurance can help you pay for them. The pet insurance for dogs saves a significant cost burden to you throughout your dog’s lifetime for all kinds of medical care!

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